Multifamily Monday: Empathy – Care

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” – Origin not 100% known.

Empathy – Care

Empathy can be defined as having the ability to relate. For example, if you are speaking to someone who lives in your apartment community about their son’s soccer game over the weekend and you have a son that plays soccer – you can empathize. And, empathy is the perfect foundation for caring.

If you can empathize – you can care. And, when you care people will respond.

Take the time today to reach out and initiate some conversation. Be it with people you work with and for or with the people who you serve and that serve you in return.

Don’t accept the canned answers and don’t ask canned questions. Let the weather take care of itself. That is the easy stuff.

Ask deeper questions and if your weekend sucked – say so. Don’t be surprised if your audience can relate.

Your – caring to empathize – multifamily maniac,


0 Responses

  1. Nice post!  You are so right on with this one MB.  I personally think a lot of people are just afraid to “dig deeper”, possibly not wanting to know the answer to some of the questions!