Self Appraisal
Multifamily #Trust30: Reversion
Day 29 of the #trust30 challenge…
I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Think of all the things that are not working in your life. That job you don’t like, that relationship that’s not working, those friends that annoy you. Now turn them all on you. Imagine that everything that’s not working in your life, is your fault. How would you approach it? What would you work on to change your life to the state that you want it to be?
(Author: Carlos Miceli)
Multifamily Reversion
It might be the hardest look you ever take at yourself. It’s that look that gives cause to admit a shortcoming or an outright failure.
My short answer to this question is higher the best people and do it quickly. Many times the shortcomings I experience are a result of my own willingness to take on more than I can handle without evaluating my capacity first.
What about you?
Your always striving contributor,