The Power of Business Drivers
In the bustling town of Econville, two companies, WidgetWorks and GadgetGear, were fierce competitors. Both had the same resources, same market, and even similar products. Yet, WidgetWorks soared while GadgetGear floundered.
WidgetWorks’ CEO, Jane, was a visionary. She focused on key business drivers like customer satisfaction, product innovation, and market expansion. She knew growth and profit followed when these drivers were prioritized. Every decision Jane made revolved around these core principles.
Meanwhile, GadgetGear’s CEO, Mark, obsessed over inputs. He tracked every minor detail, from office supplies to meeting hours. His focus was scattered, and his team was overwhelmed by irrelevant metrics.
As months passed, WidgetWorks thrived. Their customers were loyal, their products were cutting-edge, and their market presence was undeniable.
GadgetGear, however, struggled to keep up. Their inputs multiplied, but their results did not.
One day, Mark visited Jane, seeking advice. Jane shared her secret: “Focus on what drives your business. Inputs are numerous, but drivers are what matter.”
Mark took her words to heart. He shifted his focus, aligning his team with the drivers of success. Gradually, GadgetGear began to flourish.
In Econville, the lesson was clear: prioritizing business drivers lead to triumph while fixating on inputs leads to stagnation.
“Business drivers shape success; inputs merely fill the gaps.” – Mike Brewer
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About Mike Brewer
My mission is to tease out the human potential in the multifamily space.